There's Only One Choice...
Sitting back looking at my life, I see that I have everything I need and God is the one who gave it to me. I look back and see the roadblocks He placed in the way to prevent me from making BIG mistakes when it came to my life choices. I also see the blessings he has poured out on me when I needed them most.
It's amazing that when I didn't know him, He knew me. He knew what was best for me.
Recently, it became real to me - how we go through life and relationships believing we have choices to make. What I've discovered lately is that if you've truly chosen Christ as your Lord and Savior, the choice is not yours, but His. Whatever He wants goes.
Strangely, that was bittersweet to me. I was glad or sort of proud that I've made that life choice, but also sad - knowing that those around me can choose anything they want, and I have no say in it. I can't settle! I can't compromise! I have to choose Christ - even if that means losing someone I love or missing out on experiences with them as they choose the broader path.
I know that God will continue to bless my obedience and that the joy I find in Him can never be matched by my own efforts. I am ever grateful that He chose me and am even more grateful that I chose Him.
God is awesome! If you've never experienced Him personally, you should! His thoughts are higher than our thoughts - that's because He's way smarter than us:)
Following is a video of a song by Trevor Morgan - one of my favorites. Hoping you're blessed!